Dallas/Fort-Worth HPC Users Group

I know, I know… selfish plug… but I just couldn’t help myself.

dfw-hpcugFor those of you who don’t know me personally, I’m currently a resident of the Dallas/Fort-Worth Texas metroplex.  Over the years, I’ve come to know quite a few local HPC-ites.  We’ve paid careful attention to keeping tabs on one another.  Occasionally,  we meet informally for coffee, lunch, etc.  After taking stock of the volume of great cross-pollination of info that we’ve had over the years, we decided to make things a bit more official.  Following the lead of the NYC HPCUG, we started or own.

The DFW-HPCUG, as its known, invites all individuals and organizations in and around the Dallas/Fort-Worth metroplex involved with the high performance computing industry to join.  Nothing terribly official outside of the mailing lists yet, but we’re hoping to eventually formalize some sort for regular informal meeting.

For more info on the group, check out the details here.


  1. Outstanding. Congratulations, John.