The ten years between ASP and the cloud

Brian de Haaff writing at XML Journal on the trip from ASP to the Cloud, and why it all might work this time

So what’s changed in 10 years? Will the outcome be any different when we talk about businesses running software (or storing data) offsite and accessing it via Web browsers? Will they actually do it en masse? The pundits say, “Yes!”, but will it really happen this time?

I do think we’ll succeed this time because things are different.

One of his key “why things are different this time” points is one that I’ve been making about why hosted HPC may result in a better end user experience than each center going it alone

Because the platforms are multi-tenant, the vendors can cost-effectively take on more responsibility for the underlying technology. Businesses now take advantage of the scale and efficiency that comes through the vendor’s ability to serve multiple companies on the same computing platforms. This is a fundamental shift because businesses are no longer responsible for maintaining the infrastructure themselves, no matter what type of on-demand service they choose.

More in the article, worth a read.