Dell pursuing trademark of "cloud computing" [Allowance Canceled]

Speaking of questionable IP action, there’s this gem from Channel Register

Dell is attempting to trademark the tech industry’s favourite buzzword — “cloud computing”.

…Dell’s application has already reached the so-called “notice of allowance” stage, whereby a company is granted “written notification from the USPTO that a specific mark has survived the opposition period… and has consequently been allowed for registration”.

One more nail in Larry Lessig’s coffin.

[UPDATE] Reader Bruce Toal let us know in a comment today that the USPTO has decided to reconsider this application. Reading the status history on the application one finds:

2008-08-06 – Previous allowance count withdrawn

2008-08-06 – Case Returned To Examination

2008-08-05 – Notice of Allowance canceled

2008-07-08 – Notice of allowance – mailed

Note the change on 8/5. A victory for civil society. Thanks,Bruce.


  1. Bruce Toal says

    Looks like someone rained on this application:

    This page was generated by the TARR system on 2008-08-06 18:18:00 ET
    Serial Number: 77139082 Assignment Information Trademark Document Retrieval
    Registration Number: (NOT AVAILABLE)
    (words only): CLOUD COMPUTING
    Standard Character claim: Yes
    Current Status: The Notice of Allowance for this application was canceled.
    Date of Status: 2008-08-05
    Filing Date: 2007-03-23
    Transformed into a National Application: No
    Registration Date: (DATE NOT AVAILABLE)
    Register: Principal
    Law Office Assigned: LAW OFFICE 110
    Attorney Assigned:
    Current Location: M1K -TMO Law Office 110 – Senior Attorney
    Date In Location: 2008-08-06

  2. Bruce – a victory for civil society! Thanks for pointing out the cancellation.