High Performance Computing Ph.D. Fellowship Applications due 9/8

I’m told the deadline on these is hard: absolutely no exceptions.

The ACM/IEEE Computer Society High Performance Computing (HPC) Ph.D. Fellowship Program is now accepting nominations for its second annual competition at https://submissions.supercomputing.org. The deadline for submissions is Friday, September 8, 2008.

ACM/IEEE-CS HPC Ph.D. Fellowships are awarded with a certificate and a stipend of at least $5,000 (US) for one academic year. All ACM/IEEE-CS HPC Ph.D. Fellows are invited to attend at least one SC conference (usually the one after one year of receiving the award). Furthermore, the SC Steering Committee and other conference volunteers are willing to facilitate, where possible, internships for Fellows at HPC research or development sites.

Students must be nominated by a full time faculty member at a Ph.D. granting institution. Nominees must be enrolled in a full-time Ph.D. program and they should have completed at least one year of study in their doctoral program at the time of their nomination.

For more information about the program, see the web page  or contact the committee at hpc-fellowship-questions@acm.org.