IBM Open Sources HPC Software Stack

ibmIBM has released its first certified open source software stack for supercomputers based on the Linux operating system.  The newly release suite is [was] designed to ease the pain of deploying large-scale computing environments.  The release of what IBM calls its High Performance Computing Open Software Stack came at this week’s Linux World/Next Generation DataCentre conference in San Francisco.  The software stack features the Extreme Cluster Administration Toll [xCAT], which is currently used on LANL’s RoadRunner.  xCAT has actually been available as an open source project listed on Sourceforge for quite some time.

As more and more computing tasks migrate to supercomputer style clusters, there is a need for software that can effectively utilise and manage the large number of processors found in these systems,” said Dave Turek, vice president of Deep Computing for IBM.

Initially, the software stack will only support platforms based on the Power6 processor.  Support for P575 and x86-based platforms is on their roadmap.

For more info on the release, read the full article here.