Intel's Parallel Studio

Yesterday at IDF Intel announced what promises to be a significant tool in the education of the millions of developers who are now faced with having to engineer, or re-engineer, C and C++ software on Windows for multicore parallelism. From coverage at Go Parallel

On August 20, Intel announced an ambitious new suite of products to expand Microsoft Visual Studio, the leading IDE for C/C++ developers, and ease parallel adoption for client-side applications. Intel Parallel Studio addresses the design, coding, debugging and tuning phases of development, respectively, with Parallel Advisor, Parallel Composer, Parallel Inspector and Parallel Amplifier.

Not only will the unprecedented tool maximize multi-core processors now, according to the company, it will “forward-scale” to the many-core processors of the future (including the Larrabee architecture). Community trial versions will begin before the end of this year, with products becoming available in mid-2009.

The Advisor product is really exciting. From the story

Yes, I think having Parallel Advisor with you will feel like having a guru working with you. Not doing the work for you, but giving you sage analysis and advice. Parallel Advisor is a new category of development product. Advisor helps you understand where to add parallelism to existing source code, and can show the consequences of those decisions. Advisor will be the fourth of the four Parallel Studio products. Betas will start rolling out about mid-Q4 2008 with updates and additions over the following six months.

The Go Parallel link includes Q&A with James Reinders from Intel. HPCwire will also run a feature on Parallel Studio later today or tomorrow with more details.