Live Report: NVISION 2008

nvisionI have the pleasure of attending this week’s Nvidia NVISION 2008 conference in downtown San Jose, CA.  I’ve come to bear witness to the magic that is “visual computing” orchestrated and performed by the NVIDIA CUDA and Tesla products respectively.  Personally, I’ve been very intrigued by the whole technology [not just NVIDIA’s entry into HPC] for quite some time.  However, I’ve never really grasped just how large the visual computing [read GPU] industry is.  Now I have…

In meandering my way down to the San Jose conference center this morning for what I thought would be a quick conference registration, I was confronted with a line three-blocks long.  Hey, Pink Floyd’s in town!  Wait, everyone in line has a hand-cart full of computer gear?  The line was indeed for the NVIDIA-sponsored LAN party event taking place alongside the conference this week.

I almost felt somewhat jealous.  We don’t get lines like that for Supercomputing!  I can certainly say that I now understand the magnitude of the visual computing industry.

Be on the lookout for more articles live from NVISION08.