Platform Computing has announced that it has acquired the Scali MPI business from Norway-based Scali-AS. The move seeks to broaden their influence in the high performance computing software space. The acquisition comes rolled with the research and development personnel behind MPI Connect. As such, Platform will continue to sell, support and development MPI Connect under the brand name: Platform MPI [clever].
The acquisition of Scali MPI enables Platform to further enhance its HPC stack offering with a best of breed MPI solution. It’s another important step towards Platform’s vision to expand our product offerings and to redefine the HPC market by providing a common integrated HPC management stack for heterogeneous computing environments,” said Songnian Zhou, CEO, Platform Computing.
This is an interesting move on the part of Platform. Speaking from experience, Scali’s MPI Connect always ran well, especially when the application’s communication patterns were dominated by very small messages. The MPI business, however, is a tough software business to be in. The software libraries you’re writing are so very specific to a niche market [as opposed to marketing a commercial Linux distribution]. The competition is quite heavy from the world of open source MPI varients [MPICH, MVAPICH, OpenMPI].
For more info, read the full release here.
I was mystified by this one also. With little differentiation between many ISV flavors and the free OpenMPI, it seems Platform has acquired a niche player in a crowded niche market. Dr. Zhou is no fool though, so I’d say “wait and see”.