WRF CUDA Benchmarks

John Michalakes of the National Center for Atmospheric Research, has just announced the release of the latest benchmark websites for the Weather Research Forecast [WRF] code. In his post, he also made note of his latest page containing benchmark data from GPU accelerated numerical weather prediction. The benchmark data comes from results compiled from a recent work published through the workshop on Large Scale Parallel Processing [LSPP] within the IEEE International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium [IPDPS] in April 2008.

The code, just recently updated by John and co., implements the WSM5 microphysics module in CUDA. On a GTX280 GPU, the module clocks in just over 64 Gflops. This compared to a measly 1.6 Gflops on a 2.4Ghz Opteron. Wowzers!

The team at NCAR is currently working on a CUDA port for a module that “computes 5th order positive definite tracer advection using finite difference approximation.” They’re also working on porting some of the radiation physics to the GPU.

For more on the GPU benchmarks, check out the WRF GPU benchmark page here.

For info on more traditional WRF benchmarks, check out the updated benchmark page here.


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