Obama responds to Science Debate 2008 questions

Melissa Norr, writing at the excellent CRA Policy Blog, notes that Obama has responded to the fourteen questions posed by Science Debate 2008, and draws out two responses of interest to the computing community.

In case you aren’t familiar (I wasn’t) Science Debate 2008 is a grassroots organization formed to bring science and innovation dialogue back into the American political conversation. They quickly gained some pretty big fans

Within weeks, more than 38,000 scientists, engineers, and other concerned Americans signed on, including nearly every major American science organization, dozens of Nobel laureates, elected officials and business leaders, and the presidents of over 100 major American universities.

I was interested to note that the word ‘computer’, and it variants, do not appear anywhere in the text of the candidate’s response. Not even once.

Melissa’s post is here here, and the full response is here.


  1. […] than Obama, but hey, at least he showed up. The tip goes to Melissa Norr from the excellent CRA Policy Blog […]