SC08 Conference 'Challenges' HPC Community

Found at HPCwire, details on the four Challenges at this year’s SC

The Bandwidth Challenge, now in its ninth year, is an annual competition for leading-edge network applications developed by teams of researchers from around the globe. This year’s Challenge will focus on real-world applications and data movement issues, and will include live demonstrations across the SCinet network infrastructure.

The HPC Storage Challenge showcases innovation in storage architecture and implementation. Entrants first describe their implementations and present measurements of performance, scalability and storage subsystem utilization in submission proposals. Judging will be based on these measurements as well as innovation and effectiveness. Finalists will present their completed results in a technical session during the conference.

The Cluster Challenge will showcase the amazing power of clusters and the ability to harness open source software to solve interesting and important problems. Teams will compete in real time on the exhibit floor, where they will run a workload of real-world problems on clusters of their own design.

The Analytics Challenge showcases solutions created by researchers and industry that embody all facets of high performance computing, from processing to data visualization. Past finalists have presented solutions in areas as diverse as orthodontics, atomic energy, and music classification. This year’s finalists will present their submissions in a special session at SC08.

By the way, another fine press release by yours truly (I’m playing the part of Winged Monkey number 3 on the SC08 Communications Committee).