The latest installment of the “Top500” series has officially been launched in Asia. The Top500_Asia website will feature a biannual list compiled of, you guessed it, the top 500 fastest computers in Asia and the Middle East. List updates will be released twice a year at the GITEX Exhibition in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
Since 1993, has taken the initiative to assemble and maintain the list of the 500 most powerful computer systems twice a year around the world. With time, however, this list has come to be overwhelmingly populated by machines built by a few countries. While this is an accurate overall reflection of the state of supercomputing in the world, it makes more difficult an understanding of the relative computing capability within Asia and the Middle East. [Raed AlShaikh, co-founder of]
The initial website is now live. Linpack submissions will open on September 30 of this year. The first official list will be published in April 2009 at GITEX.
For more info on the list, check out the website here.