20 years is a long time in HPC years

This is the 20th anniversary of the annual SC conference, and organizers are doing up the dog this year. Part of the celebration will be a recognition of companies and individuals who have been involved with all 20 conferences. It’s enough of an achievement for an individual to have been at each of the conferences, but thinking about how dramatically the hardware and software landscape have changed in that time it’s really quite remarkable for a company to have been at all 20 conferences.

In fact, the insideHPC news gnomes have been scrabbling around in gardens all over the world, and have turned up a list of what we think are the 9 organizations, 6 of them companies, that will be recognized at this year’s conference:

  • The Numerical Algorithms Group
  • Cray
  • IBM
  • Sun
  • NEC
  • HPCwire
  • LANL
  • LLNL
  • NASA

Kudos to these companies, and the testament to their adaptability and commitment over time.