My other shirt is multi-threaded

Congratulations to all those who voted for “My other shirt is multi-threaded.” That’s the winning slogan, by a freaking landslide, for this year’s “Cover Your Nakedness” t-shirt giveaway. It won with 44% of the popular vote, while the next closest finisher won only 15% of votes cast.

Now I just have to get them printed…stay tuned for details on the where and when we’ll be giving them away. First come, first served, just like last year.


  1. Nice!!

  2. Just confirmed my flight to Austin. Now I need to find out your favorite beer as bribary for the famous and difficult to get InsideHPC t-shirt.

    Considering I lost last years t-shirt to my 13 year old, geek wanna be daughter. (-;

    Looking forward to a get together.

