SC08: Rocks Cluster BOF

Supercomputing 2008: The Rocks cluster guys are at it again.  They’re holding another birds of a feather session at this year’s IEEE/ACM Supercomputing Conference in Austin, TX.  The fabled Greg Bruno and Mason Katz, both of SDSC, are hosting the event.  From the abstract:

In this year’s BoF, we’ll deliver a short ‘State of the Rocks Project’ presentation followed by an overview of the features in the latest release. We’ll discuss how we’ve adapted our tools to allow users to easily overlay virtual clusters within a single physical cluster. Also, we’ll present a roadmap that describes the direction the project is heading over the next 12 months. Then we’ll open the floor to the community. Bring your questions, suggestions, use cases, anecdotes, trends and predictions — we want to hear them all!

Sounds like a winner.  Details!

What? Rocks Cluster Distro Annual SC BOF

Who? Anyone running, developing or interested in the ever-popular Rocks cluster distribution

Where? SC08, Austin, TX [Yee-Haw!], Room 13A/13B

When? Thursday, 12:15PM-01:15PM CST

For more details on the event, check out the official listing here.