Silicon Graphics Releases VUE Viz Platform

Don’t you mean, SGI?  Errr, no.  Silicon Graphics, today, announced the release of the VUE suite of visualization software solutions.  Back in April, we covered SGI’s initial announcement that they have returned to their visual roots.  However, their latest release seems to be a more like the Silicon Graphics of old.  Lots of flash and fanfare.  So what is this VUE thing anyway?

We live in a visual world,” said Robert Pette, vice president, Visualization Group, Silicon Graphics. “From streaming media and gaming to complex models and simulations, visual information is changing the way we analyze and experience data. The challenge is to aggregate, render and deliver real-time visual information to global users in a way that best suits their needs. That’s the advantage of VUE.”

The initial press release contains information on five components of VUE.  From the release:

— FusionVUE(TM) dynamically integrates any kind of information in any combination from any source. FusionVUE presents information via an intuitive, contextual and 3-dimensional VUEspace(TM) environment.

— SoftVUE(TM) transforms any standard computing system into an integrated compute and visualization platform, without specialized graphics hardware.

— PowerVUE(TM) renders large scale visualization interactively and in real time.

— RemoteVUE(TM) delivers visual information to any user, on any device, anywhere in the world.

— EventVUE(TM) delivers unprecedented visibility into complex situations in real time, giving decision-makers a 360-degree view of complex events while avoiding information overload.

Neat.  Following their recent web refresh, they’ve created a site dedicated to displaying snazzy visuals of the software platform.  I spent about then minutes flying through presenations from their VP of viz, Bob Pette, when I noticed something interesting.  The logo was no longer the singular sgi cube [affectionately called the “Bug Logo”], but rather it actually contained “Silicon Graphics.”  Plot thickens.  Is SGI going back to its roots, not only in graphics, but in corporate logo as well?

For those interested in reading the press release, CNN has a copy here.  For those interested in viewing the demo screens and videos, check out the flash spread here.  I even found a video someone leaked to youtube, here.