UCAR and the WRF development group have announced their Winter WRF tutorial course. The tutorial is broken into three sections, spanning two weeks of coursework. Section one will cover the basics of WRF. Coverage will include details on how to setup and run ARW and NMM WRF cores, including help on pre and post processing. Section two will cover WRF-ARW variational data assimilation with some hands-on practice. Section three will cover the Model Evaluation Tools [MET].
Students are encouraged to participate in any or all of the tutorial sessions. Registration fees are $400US, $200US and $125US for sections one, two and three respectively.
What? WRF Winter Tutorial Series
Who? Anyone interested in learning more about running WRF
When? Section 1 runs January 26-30; Section 2 runs February 2-4; Section 3 runs February 4-5
Where? NCAR Foothills Laboratory, Boulder, Colorado [bring your snowshoes]
For more details on the courses, check out the tutorial website here.