Lustre trading card

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I don’t usually cover the Top500 slice and dice releases anymore (you know, vendor XX claims to dominate the red supercomputers installed in Iceland stories), but this one about Lustre is at least a little interesting since it’s not a slice and dice so much as a peek under the covers. I covered some of these nuggets in my Sun SC08 coverage at HPCwire, but in case you missed that, here are some of them from a Sun release

Sun logoSun Microsystems, Inc….announced its Lustre File System is managing data on more than 50 percent of the Top 50 Supercomputers and seven of the top 10 supercomputers. According to the latest Top 500 Supercomputers list released today, Sun increased its overall presence on the list, with the Sun Constellation System-powered supercomputer at the Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) taking the number six spot. In addition, nine of the top 10 supercomputers are using Sun Storage technologies, including Lustre and tape storage. The Lustre file system is available for download at:

Between StorageTek and Lustre, Sun really does seem to have a good st


  1. Sun reliably screwed up EVERY acquisition they made.
    This will include Lustre soon. – just wait and see.

  2. SunnyGuy53 says

    Like,, and

    You’ve got a point. …

    But if you wear a hat, no one will see it.

    Sunny Guy