MATLAB GPU engine announces next beta

AccelerEyes announced yesterday a new beta release of their software, Jacket. John Melonakos, CEO of AccelerEyes, sent me an email about the announcement and the product

Jacket is a GPU engine for MATLAB.  Jacket enables standard MATLAB code to run on the GPU, connecting the user-friendliness of MATLAB directly to the speed and visual computing capability of the GPU.  Jacket is not another GPU API, nor is it simply a collection of GPU MEX functions.  Rather, it is a complete and transparent system, automatically making memory transfer and execution optimization decisions. Jacket uses a compile on-the-fly system to allow GPU functions to run in MATLAB’s interpretive style.  Currently, Jacket is built on NVIDIA’s CUDA technology.  For some video demos of Jacket in action, check out the Graphics Toolbox page:

The complete release (warning, PDF) is here.