The folks over at MathWorks will be holding a half-day tutorial session on using Parallel MATLAB. The session, entitled “Enhancing e-Infastructures with Advanced Technical Computing: Parallel MATLAB on the Grid”, will be given by Erwin Laure and Arjav Chakravarti. From their note:
This tutorial will discuss how scientist and engineers can take advantage of Grid resources while making minimal to no code changes to applications written in a high-level programming language. Attendees will first learn to express task- and data-parallelism in the MATLAB(r) language, by using high-level constructs like parallel-for loops and distributed arrays as well as low-level message-passing APIs. Attendees will then learn how to use the EGEE Grid (Enabling Grids for E-sciencE project funded by the European Commission) to enable the solution of their computationally-intensive and data-intensive large-scale technical problems. Hands-on exercises will allow attendees to interactively develop parallel programs on multicore laptop machines and then scale these programs to the EGEE Grid through the gLite middleware.
Info… NOW!
What? Parallel MATLAB Tutorial at SC08
Who? Anyone [with a tutorial pass] interested in Parallel MATLAB techniques
Where? SC08, Austin, TX: Room TBD [session M11 in your conference booklet]
When? Monday, Nov 17, 1:30PM-5:00PM CST
Thanks to Gaurav Sharma for sending this one over. For more info on the tutorial, check out the overview at SCYourWay here.