Oklahoma Deploys Sooner Cluster

The University of Oklahoma has announced details of its latest cluster install, deemed Sooner.  The University of Oklahoma Supercomputing Center for Education and Research [OSCER] deployed a cluster consisting of 534 compute nodes and Qlogic DDR Infiniband.

OSCER serves more than 400 students, faculty, and staff in virtually every science and engineering discipline, as well as in medicine and business,” Neeman said. “As we transitioned from our previous HPC cluster to Sooner, we were challenged with maintaining existing levels of service to the rest of the university with minimal down time. We successfully tackled that challenge and look forward to helping researchers as they attempt to uncover clues to the mysteries of tornado behavior.”

The new machine debued at #91 on the Top500 list at 28Tflops.  For more info on the new Boomer Sooner, read the full article here.