HPC storage vendor Terascala announced two Lustre-based storage appliances Tuesday. The MTS 1000 solution is, according the company
the world’s first storage appliance with built-in redundant metadata designed to provide high availability, high throughput storage. Based on a parallel file system, the MTS 1000 features an integrated, active-passive redundant metadata server architecture and delivers extremely high throughput, high capacity and superior price/performance in a fully configured and tuned appliance.
The MTS 1000 leverages Lustre, the leading open source clustered file system and can be used over either Ethernet or InfiniBand networks so applications are not limited by their ability to read, write and store data rapidly.
The company also announced the DTS 5000
the world’s first scalable Lustre appliance offering self-enclosed/self healing storage. The DTS 5000 is powered by Xiotech’s Intelligent Storage Element (ISE) technology and provides a high performance Lustre file system storage appliance in an ultra-high reliability system.
The combination of the Terascala technology and the Xiotech ISE technologies produces a stunning 100x increase in storage availability and mean time between service events (MTBSE) compared to conventional disk technology. With the DTS 5000, customers can deploy a Lustre-based appliance capable of handling petabytes of data and expect no service events for at least five years.
More info on both products in their respective releases.