The Green Grid advisory council

Also found at HPCwire earlier this week, news from The Green Grid (which is appropos given recent news on the green HPC front with SiCortex’s new metric)

The Green Grid logoIn order to provide end-user companies with a strong voice within the organization, The Green Grid announced the formation of an end-user focused Advisory Council, which will report directly to the consortium’s Board of Directors. The Advisory Council will provide feedback and help influence the consortium’s strategy for developing and promoting standards, measurement methods, processes and technologies to improve overall datacenter energy efficiency worldwide.

…The Advisory Council is comprised of nine end-user Contributor Members of The Green Grid, each appointed to a one-year term. Members of the Advisory Council consist of leading brands from around the world including Automatic Data Processing, Inc., AT&T, BT, eBay, Nationwide, STRATO Rechenzentrum AG, Tokyo Electric Power Company, Verizon Business and The Walt Disney Company.

TGG has also created a new associate level membership designed specifically for government and academic organizations.