Wolfram to host HPC services in the cloud

The latest entrant into the cloud chamber is Wolfram Research. This found at HPCwire

Wolfram Research announced an initiative today to develop a cloud computing service for users of their flagship technical computing software Mathematica. This project is a collaborative effort by Wolfram Research, Nimbis Services, Inc., a clearing-house for accessing third party compute resources and commercial software, and R Systems NA, Inc., a provider of computing resources to the commercial and academic research community.

…Nimbis Services will enable the Mathematica cloud service to access many diverse HPC systems, including TOP500 supercomputers and the Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud. Nimbis Services, Inc. President and CEO Robert Graybill echoes the council’s views on HPC systems and explains that the foundational principle of Nimbis Services is to focus on “ease of use” by providing experimental and periodic business users the choice of large-scale computing service alternatives, all in one “instant” computing storefront.

A good win for Graybill’s Nimbis, which we covered earlier.


  1. […] pointed to this back in early November when it was announced. Nick Carr’s article provides a few more details […]

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  3. […] Wolfram to host HPC services in the cloud […]