Eadline Survey: How is the Economy Hitting Your HPC Wallet?

In his column this week, Dr. Doug Eadline has departed from his normal introspective style on the various issues facing high performance computing.  He has instead asked his readers and the HPC community at large to respond to a simple question: “How is the current economy hitting *your* HPC wallet?”

My goal it to capture some responses that may not show up on the fancy bar charts from the professional market watchers. Not that the bar charts aren’t worthwhile, but rather a few comments from the trenches are always helpful. There is no secret motive here. The poll and comments are open to the community for all to see. It is your chance to help the community get a sense of where we are in these uncertain times.

Doug lays out two ways to send in your responses.  He has a canned poll, similar to the InsideHPC survey series and he welcomes rants and comments via registered Linux-Mag users.

Head on over to Doug’s article at Linux-Mag to send in your response.