India Scores Eight on Top500

India creeped up in the latest release of the Top500 list with eight results making it into the running.  The largest of which was Eka, the Tata Group HP machine sitting at number thirteen.  The Centre for Development of Advanced Computing [C-DAC] has their “Param” machine sitting at number sixty-eight.  The Indian Institute of Science has a BlueGene swimming at 213.  There are research groups at 334 and 428, IIT-Madras at 436 and the Paprikaas Interactive Services sitting at 478.  Six of the eight machines are HP’s.

As Faisal Paul, Country Manager, HPC and OS/L said, “Though the company is yet to make a mark in terms of capacity of a supercomputer globally, wherein yet tags like Blue [Gene’s] and Cray dominate, in the rest which consist of 94 percent of high performance computing (HPC), we have a significant position.”

For more info on India’s Top500 listing, read the full article here.