InsideTrack: SGI makes official layoff announcement, eliminates 15% of workforce and some senior management [UPDATED]

SGI confirmed layoff rumors tonight with the release of an official announcement

SGI logoThe company has refined its focus and is restructuring to adjust to changing customer and financial market realities. As part of its restructuring, the company will reduce its workforce by approximately 225 positions, or roughly 15 percent. The reductions will include several executive and senior-level positions.

Although the release doesn’t specify where the cuts happened, a source close to the company says that the cuts were primarily on the commercial side of the business, while the federal business was left mostly intact. Those that were let go left the company yesterday.

The executives who were dismissed are not named, and I assume we’ll have to wait for subsequent filings with the SEC or updates to the web site to figure out if anyone on the senior team is leaving.

[UPDATE: comparing today’s exec bios page with earlier versions of that page insideHPC notes that Shahin Khan, VP of marketing, Barbara Stinnett, VP of Services, and Bill Trestrail, VP of APAC, are all missing. Presumably victims of the cuts.]

Also insideHPC has news that Dave Parry, Senior Vice President, Server Products and Operations, will leave the company in January. No word on whether this is part of the restructuring or whether Dave has just finally had enough turmoil for one career. This is bad news for SGI — Dave is a strong technical force in the company and an all around swell guy.

According to the announcement, the company will retain and focus its efforts on servers, visualization, and innovations like the Industrial Strength Linux Environment.

There isn’t a good time of the year to be out of work, but it seems especially poignant to lose a job at Christmas. Our thoughts and prayers are with those affected by SGI’s actions, and with those who now have to set to work moving the company forward.


  1. […] looking at Q2 results its important to keep in mind that the company had a “restructuring” (read, layoff) in December near the end of the quarter. The Q2 results have the charge for […]