ORNL's Newest Cray Powered Up

Oak Ridge National Lab’s latest Cray supercomputer installation was recently completed.  The new Cray XT5, Kraken, was finished and powered on around mid-December.  According to the ORNL staff, its up and running, but won’t be ready for user workloads until early 2009.

It is assembled and powered on, but not available to users,” Buddy Bland, a project leader at ORNL, said recently.

The initial installation phase with only include compute worth roughly 600 Tflops.  ONLY!?  Kraken will receive an upgrade in about a year to peak out above 1 Petaflop.  You heard it, ORNL will have *two* machines with a peak above 1PF.  Um, can I have a few cycles guys?  Kraken was procured through a $65 million NSF grant won by a team lead by the University of Tennessee [which included ORNL of course].

For more info on the new install at ORNL, read the full article here.