Portland Group Announces PGI 8.0 Compilers

The Portland Group recently announced the latest release, version 8.0, of its popular PGI compiler set.  This latest release for Linux, OSX and Windows includes full C and Fortran support for the OpenMP 3.0 standard.  The latest release also adds support for building and debugging applications for both Linux and OSX.  I think even more interesting is the initial support of automatic offloading of parallel computations to CUDA-enabled GPUs.  Cool!

Together with PGI Unified Binary technology, which enables developers to leverage the latest CPU innovations from both AMD and Intel while treating x64 processors as a single platform, the new features in PGI 8.0 maximize flexibility and independence for HPC users and large multi-platform supercomputing centers,” said Douglas Miles, director, The Portland Group.

For more info, read the full release here.