PRACE Winter Petascale Computing School

The Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe [PRACE] has announced a Winter School on Petascale Computing.  The event in hosted by the Greek Research and Technology Network with contributions from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki [AUTH].  Researchers and students in Europe are encouraged to attend the various courses on OpenMP/MPI, optimization techniques and profiling of applications on petascale supercomputing systems.

As HPC is gaining more and more interest both in Europe and worldwide, it is straightforward that the training needs on HPC topics will grow proportionally. The PRACE project is leading the HPC efforts in Europe and one of its main axes has been the formulation of high level training sessions, which will allow participants to improve their HPC skills and get in touch with the latest technological achievements at the same time. This constitutes the objective of the Winter School, and the main idea, according to which the School’s program has been defined,” says Nikos Tsakiris, the chair of the PRACE Petascale Winter School Program Committee and application expert at GRNET/AUTH.

Show me the details!

What? PRACE Winter Petascale School

Where? training center of Hellenic Telecommunications Organization [OTE Academy], Athens, Greece

When? Feb 10-13, 2009

Who? Researchers and students interested in gaining knowledge on petascale computing architectures and techniques

For more info on the course offerings and registration, check out the website for the course here.