Scalable Informatics intros new low cost storage appliance

I spent a bit of time over several days at SC08 talking with the folks at Pervasive Software about their DataRush platform (about which I’ve written before). Supporting their faster-than-fast data demos was a piece of kit from Scalable Informatics, the new Delta-V storage appliance, which the company has now formally announced

Delta-V systems are offered in four models, housing 4 (1U), 12 (2U), 16 (3U) or 24 (4U) hot-swappable hard disks. These systems provide up to 6, 18, 24, or 36 Terabytes of raw storage capacity in RAID6 configurations, respectively. RAID10 configurations can provide reduced usable storage in order to achieve greater performance for database operations. Delta-V presents storage simultaneously as file-based and iSCSI block, with NFS and CIFS/SMB. Delta-V units may also be aggregated into storage clusters providing Petabytes (PB) of capacity when utilizing cluster file systems and RAIN designs. The Delta-V demonstrated sustained data transfer rates of 500+ MB/s with greater than 1800 IOPs in a RAID10 configuration at SC08.

Delta-V expands SI’s storage product offering by adding a lower cost complement to their JackRabbit offering

“With our JackRabbit servers already providing reasonably-priced, best-in-class performance and reliability, we felt we needed to add a focus on the area where many organizations have the least leeway — cost,” stated Dr. Joseph Landman, CEO and Founder of Scalable Informatics.

“By optimizing our design to minimize cost, and tuning the software stack for reliability and performance, we are able to provide storage appliances that scale from 2 to 31 terabytes of usable space, for well under $1,000 per usable terabyte.”

In case you aren’t familiar with Scalable Informatics, that’s the outfit run by Joe Landman, a name you will no doubt recognize from reading this blog. I point to his insightful analysis over at with some frequency. If you aren’t a regular reader of Joe’s, I recommend including his feed as part of your daily HPC nutrition program.