The LSU Center for Computation and Technology has announced details of the 5th annual HIgh-End Visualization Workshop. The event, to be held in Baton Rouge, will feature technologies related to remote and collaborative visualization systems and servers. From the website:
Open issues in visualization with special concentration on applications in astrophysics, numerical relativity, computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing. This workshop is the fifth one in a series of meetings among researchers in the field of scientific visualization and end-users from application areas with needs for high-end visualizations of their data. Previous events took place in Obergurgl, Austria, hosted by the University of Innsbruck. This year, for the first time, it will take place in Louisiana.
Details, who’s got those details!?
What? 5th Annual LSU High-End Visualization Workshop
Who? Anyone interested in high-end viz, especially remote-viz [considering this year’s focus topic]
Where? Baton Rouge, LA
When? March 18-21, 2009
For more info, check out the workshop website here.