U of Illinois Launches Parallel Computing Seminar Series

Found at HPCwire

The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign is launching a 13-week seminar series on emerging applications for parallel computing, bringing together hardware engineers with the software developers who require parallel processing to create faster and superior applications.

The Need for Speed Series, which begins Jan. 28, will feature world-class application experts from industry and academia who will discuss how increased computing performance will revolutionize their fields.

Speakers such as Tim Sweeney, founder and president of Epic Games, Sam Blackman, CEO of Elemental Technologies, and Mark Johns, an Illinois alum and iPhone application developer, will help forecast breakthroughs enabled by the rapid advances in computing performance per dollar, performance per watt, or storage capacity provided by Moore’s Law.

You’ll be able to watch over the interwebs in case you can’t make it to the live events. Check out http://www.parallel.illinois.edu/seminars/speed/index.html for more info.