Lamar University announced today that a group of their faculty have been granted access to the Teragrid. For those not from the Lone Star State, Lamar is a relatively small university located in Beaumont, Texas [East of Houston]. Typical of universities of this size, Lamar does not have tens of thousands of processors on campus. The Teragrid is an ideal solution to providing the researchers at Lamar, whom are no less important than their big-campus colleagues, the access to the same level of compute resources.
Joining the TeraGrid not only adds access to tremendous computing power for research and discovery, it also enhances Lamar’s faculty links to the greater scientific community and creates unbounded opportunities for collaboration,” said Stephen Doblin, provost and vice president for academic affairs.
Lamar has even decided to increase their Internet2 link from a 5Mbps to a 35Mbps connection. Funding from the Lone Star Education and Research Network [LEARN] made this possible.
This capability will help Lamar move forward and be a real player in cutting edge research,” said Michael Entner, director of infrastructure and security. “It is extremely important to our future research.”
This is great news not only for Lamar University, but for researchers at other institutions of comparable size. If your research warrants the cycles, you can most certainly gain access to a wealth of computational capability, regardless of the size of your organization. Kudos to Lamar for taking the initiative for their constituent researchers.
For more info, read the full article here.