If you didn’t grow up in the US on reruns of 1960s television, you might want the Wikipedia entry for that title.
Anyway, I just got off the air recording an episode of Intel’s Parallel Programming Talk podcast with Aaron Tersteeg and Clay Breshears. Aaron and I have talked by email and phone, and Clay and I used to work together, so we had a great time. My sincere thanks to the guys for having me on. You can find the show at the Blog Talk Radio website, and subscribe to the podcast (as I have) so you don’t miss future episodes. I’ve been a listener for a while and I really like the format of the show: intro, a few news items, and then 10 minutes or so with guest on one focused topic.
Here is the show blurb from today’s episode:
John West is editor of www.insideHPC.com and currently works in a large federal supercomputing program when he’s not editing and writing at insideHPC. He is a former Top 20 supercomputing center director, computational science researcher, and scientific visualization specialist. The show will also have news and all the regular wackiness you’ve come to expect.
My time with them focused on the challenges of helping people and their codes through the two big computational inflection points that they face: first from desktop to “personal level parallelism” (multicore or a few sockets in a local server), then from personal level parallelism to supercomputing. That 10 minutes goes by fast, though. Those who know me know I love to hear my own voice, and I was just getting wound up when it was all over.
I’d encourage you to check it out and if you agree or disagree with what I said, leave a comment. I’d also encourage you to consider subscribing to the show. It’s a great resource for the community, and for those of us who create this kind of content our most valued form of payment is the validation that what we are doing is useful.