InsideTrack: stimulus money headed into HPC on the back of other programs

I was on the phone with Charlie Wuischpard, the CEO of Penguin Computing, today and got some interesting insight into possible HPC impact from President Obama’s stimulus spending.

From the various posts I’ve made and pointed to on the subject, you’ll remember that while there is nominal added funded for computing in the stimulus act, it doesn’t come across as anything like a priority.

I was heartened to hear from Charlie that he is seeing what he believes is the front wave of a new round of spending about to start in HPC as grant writers (in this case hunting for NIH money) approach his company about helping them figure out the computational piece of their scientific research proposals. Looking over the President’s priority list (things like manufacturing, healthcare, construction, and new energy) I certainly see many opportunities for large-scale computing to provide benefit as an enabler of these research priorities.

And in the end, this could actually be better for the HPC community: products built for the requirements of today are usually just better products than those built for the requirements of tomorrow, or those built to satisfy a research agenda around the product itself.


  1. […] we’ve commented here before, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (aka the Stimulus Act) signed into law in the US by […]