SC09 Call for Tutorials

The Supercomputing 2009 call for tutorials was released on Friday.  From the release:

Experts in high performance computing are invited to share their expertise with the High Performance Computing (HPC) community by submitting proposals for tutorials at the SC09 conference to be held in Portland, Oregon, November 14-20, 2009. The SC09 tutorials program will give attendees the opportunity to explore a wide variety of important topics related to high-performance computing, networking, and storage. SC09 invites proposals for introductory, intermediate, and advanced tutorials, either full-day (six hours) or half-day (three hours). A distinguished panel of experts will select the tutorials from the submitted proposals. Submissions for tutorials and other aspects of the SC09 technical program open Monday, March 16, 2009. The deadline for submission is April 6, 2009.

For more detailed submission information, check out the SC09 tutorials page here.