ISC'09 focuses on climate, aeronautics, cloud computing, and HPC research

The International Supercomputing Conference (ISC), to be held this year in Hamburg, Germany, has announced its focus areas (PDF) for the summer conference

In addition to world-renowned keynote speakers, ISC’09 will feature four in-depth sessions examining some of the most exciting – and challenging – areas in high performance computing today. Here is an overview of each of the sessions:

  • HPC & Cloud Computing – Synergy or Competition? Cloud computing is among the hottest topics in HPC and the Cloud Computing Session is one of the hottest at ISC’09…The second part will start with presentations from three IT vendors driving cloud computing today, Google, Amazon, and Yahoo!, followed by a roundtable panel discussion to field questions from the audience.
  • Climate Modeling & HPC: Challenges in a Changing World
  • Supercomputing Challenges for Research in Aeronautics
  • The Scientific Afternoon in-depth session on June 23 will showcase the top submissions from the ISC’09 Call for Papers. Of the 54 submissions, the top 24 were selected based on their novelty of research, fundamental insights and potential for long-term contribution to HPC.

An overview of the full program can be found at An overview of the ISC’09 conference program can be found at ISC’09 will be held June 23-26 in Hamburg.