NASA Ames moves from Sun to SpectraLogic, cuts silos by 80%

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NASA’s Ames Research Center, announced today that it has consolidated its tape libraries from 10 silos to two, allowing it to reclaim 1,400 square feet of floor space while increasing its data archive from 12 to 32 petabytes of capacity.

NASA said it swapped out 10 tape silos from StorageTek — now Sun Microsystems Inc. — in exchange for two Spectra Logic Corp….The new libraries use LTO-4 drives with a total of 20,000 tape cartridge slots.

I did an extended interview with Spectra Logic on the show floor at SC last year that I had intended to publish as a podcast, but it was just too long to manage. So it became a feature article that ran in December at HPCwire; linked here if you’d like to know more about the company and its products. Private company, relatively small, and evidently highly responsive to customer needs — a view that is confirmed in the Computerworld article.


  1. […] been quietly replacing Quantum and Sun/STK libraries around the industry, including some very high profile HPC customers.  With the release of the new T-Finity series, they’re claiming the top spot in capacity.  […]