eWeek has posted an article on the latest progress made within the camp of Penguin Computing. As of late, the cluster company has made big strides in growing their core business of HPC in the face of a sickened economy. The article specifically includes commentary from Charles Wuischpard, President and CEO of Penguin. Two years after Wuischpard helped refocus Penguin’s business directly towards HPC, they’ve recorded revenue growth of 50-60%.
Really, 2008 was the best year in our [11-year] history,” Wuischpard said in a recent interview.
Revenues are up and expenses are down. So where is Penguin going as a company over the coming months? According to the article, the company plans on making several big announcements over the next few weeks in areas such as on-demand computing and growing their biz via acquisitions. The company is building a large system in Utah focused at tackling memory-intensive HPC workloads.
People never want to do just on-demand [computing], and they don’t want to spend the money to do it all in-house,” Wuischpard said. “In one proposal [with Penguin], they get both.”
The cogs have certainly been churning within the walls on Penguin these days. You can read the full article here at eWeek.