SC09 Tech Program submissions deadline extended

From SC09’s web site

SC09 logoSC09, the international conference for high performance computing, networking, storage and analysis, which opens November 14th in Portland, Oregon, is the HPC community’s premiere opportunity to immerse yourself in the latest developments in supercomputing technology and applications. Here you’ll find the latest in high performance computing (HPC), networking, storage, and analysis applied to the world’s most challenging commercial, scientific, and engineering problems.

Now is the time to begin planning your part in SC09. Submissions for the SC09 Technical Program are now being accepted at:

Abstracts for papers, including Gordon Bell Prize submissions, must be submitted by Friday, April 3.

The deadline for full papers, as well as proposals for tutorials and workshops, has been extended to Monday, April 13. The deadline for Panels has been extended to May 1st.