Six years of Opteron

From Nigel Dessau’s blog at AMD (he’s the chief marketeer), word of AMD’s 6th birthday (that’s 42 in dog years), and its most recently announced processor tweaks

AMD logoToday, we face a dramatically changed landscape of “good enough” computing.  While performance still matters and always will, the real challenges customers face today are driven by restrictions on energy consumption and space . Simply put, we often find ourselves having more compute power than we can actually, well, power.

So as businesses around the world are now being forced to do more with less, they might want to take some advice from their IT department, where the focus on efficiency is now firmly entrenched.

As always, today AMD is announcing new products that help customers drive great value from their IT investments.  As we celebrate six years of the AMD Opteron processor we are also announcing our most energy efficient processor ever to hit the market – this processor is your ideal cloud computing platform.