Star-P now "cluster ready"

This week Interactive Supercomputing announced that its Star-P product is now certifiable…er, certified (couldn’t resist)

Star-P logoStar-P lets scientists, analysts and engineers easily create parallel applications using familiar desktop tools, automatically transforming the application to run on high performance computing (HPC) clusters. The Intel Cluster Ready program makes it easier to buy, deploy and build HPC clusters employing Intel multi-core processors. Together, an Intel Cluster Ready version of Star-P enables potentially thousands of new users to now tap into the power of HPCs without the prohibitive cost and programming complexities associated with traditional cluster computing.

Why might you care?

“With Star-P registered compatible with Intel Cluster Ready, Interactive Supercomputing customers can now experience the performance of Intel Xeon processors and the simplicity, interoperability, and productivity of validated, ready-to-run hardware/software solutions,” said Bill Magro, director, High Performance Computing Solutions, Intel Corporation’s Software and Service Group.