First week's winner

Hey kids, we have a winner! Kevin B., a long time (like, from the very beginning) insideHPC reader got selected at random from the pool of people who have completed the survey in it’s first week. I’m still waiting to hear from him about what his choice of prize will be — personally, I hope he goes for the iPod Shuffle.

If you’re not Kevin, you didn’t win. And I’ll bet you’re feeling pretty bummed about that. There, there…let it all out. (Ok, now you’re just making a scene.)

But there is good news: all you have to do to be in the pool for next week’s drawing is fill out the survey, and give me your email (you know, so I can tell you you’ve won. I’m NOT selling your email address or setting up a Ponzi scheme…).If you’ve already done the survey but didn’t get picked, just hang out and watch Three’s Company reruns until next Thursday when we’ll draw a new name out of fate’s coin purse.

Click here for a description of prizes, rules, and stuff you might want to know.