Green HPC podcast series coming in June

You can’t go to a conference or trade show in HPC these days without seeing “green” in just about everyone’s booth. But is there more to it than just marketing hype? Supercomputing isn’t email and PowerPoint it’s, well, super — the science we support has the potential to change the world. Should we get a pass on reducing our energy use? If we don’t, then what solutions are out there that pertain to us?

Green HPC PodcastIn this six-part audio series, launching in June, insideHPC takes a look at the issues around green HPC from all angles. Tune in and get a new perspective on green computing in HPC from high end computing, IT, and datacenter experts like Pete Beckman (of ANL’s LCF), Dan Reed (Microsoft Research), Bill Kramer (NCSA), Wilf Pinfold (Intel), Wu Feng (Green500), Horst Simon (LBL), the Climate Savers Computing Initiative, SiCortex, IBM, NVIDIA, Cray, and others whose feelings I’ve now hurt by not including them in this list.

Keep an eye on this page for more details as they emerge. And if you are a vendor with a green strategy who is looking to reach the web’s fastest growing HPC audience, you’ll find sponsorship and advertising information there as well.