SiCortex has announced two new entrants in their “Science to Science” webcast series. First, on May 26
Purdue University’s School of Mechanical Engineering researcher and Professor of Mechanical Engineering John Abraham will present “Chemically-reacting Fluid Flows Simulations, with Applications to Engines.” Improving the efficiency of the fuel burning chemical conversion process used in transportation and power plants can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions and other toxic pollutant emissions that affect human health. Chemically-reacting fluid flow simulations help scientists radically improve the energy-efficiency of engines. Dr. Abraham will present his team’s research on chemically-reacting fluid flow simulations, including challenges encountered and insights gained. Dr. Abraham will also review Flow, Large-Eddy and Direct Simulation (FLEDS), the in-house developed code used to carry out these simulations over large, high-count processor systems.
You can find out more, and register, here. Then, on May 28
University of Houston Professor of Computer Science Barbara Chapman will present “Parallel Programming for Multicore Platforms”. The rapid growth in parallel computing is drawing attention to application developers’ need for parallel programming languages and extensions that exploit new hardware architectures without requiring lengthy code redevelopment or sacrificing program portability. Dr. Chapman will survey the landscape of parallel programming models. She will discuss how different language extensions, including OpenMP, can be used to develop parallel applications and share insights into how it will evolve to meet the needs of future application developers.
More information in the release, including a registration link.