And this week's HPC indicator is 80%

From the “signs of the times” department, this press release from Intel this week, which highlights the fact that a larger share of significant HPC machines than ever uses Intel chips — 79.8% to be exact

Intel logoThe 33rd edition of the TOP500 list shows that 399 of the world’s top 500 systems, including two in the top 10, now have Intel inside. Systems using Intel® Xeon® quad-core processors feature prominently in the list, holding 340 spots. Using reinvented high-k metal gate transistors, Intel’s previous-generation quad-core 45nm Intel® Xeon® processor 5400 series is used in 263 systems.

The Nehalem is also doing quite well on the list, especially given that it was only launched 3 months ago. It’s inside 33 systems on the list.