Lubomir Petrik posted a note on his blog regarding the latest installment of the annual Grid Engine Workshop. The event will also include parallel tracks from Sun’s HPC Software Workshop series covering OpenStorage and Developer Tools.
Grid Engine Workshop 2009 – Sun HPC SW Workshop has the same format as in previous years, i.e. 2.5 days of technology, user and solution provider presentations. It is augmented by a separate SGE Advanced Seminar prior to the workshop and by parallel workshop tracks about OpenStorage and Sun Developer Tools. It also builds on the very successful tradition of having that workshop in a beautiful and charming city of Regensburg, Germany.
You heard it, Regensburg. That alone should spark your interest.
$> qsub
What? GridEngine Workshop 2009
Where? Regensburg, Germany
When? Sept 7-10, 2009
Who? Anyone interested in Sun GridEngine, OpenStorage or Developer Tools
For more info, check out the workshop website here.