Sun Releases Latest Version of OpenSolaris

Sun has officially released the latest in production revisions of OpenSolaris.  The 2009.06 version includes big feature upgrades in networking, storage and virtualization.  The biggest news in this release is the production inclusion of Project Crossbow.  Project Crossbow is a complete re-architecture of the networking stack.  It allows administrators to fully virtualize network interfaces.

Building on a strong tradition of enterprise computing, OpenSolaris 2009.06 delivers advanced networking capabilities, world-record performance and best-in-class virtualization features built directly into the operating system,” said John Fowler, executive vice president, Systems at Sun. “This preview of the next generation of Solaris demonstrates Sun has the leading platform designed for the latest hardware technologies that power scalable and secure multi-threaded applications in a virtualized and networked world.”

New to the storage arena, OpenSolaris now supports the management of flash-based physical storage via ZFS and native support for Microsoft CIFS as a full peer to NFS.  For more info on all the new features, read the release notes at the OpenSolaris homepage here.