We posted news of expanded funding for students to attend Cluster 2009 a few days ago, and I realized that many of you may not know about the event itself. Its proper name is the 2009 IEEE International Conference on Cluster Computing (www.cluster2009.org), and it will be held in the French Quarter of New Orleans, Louisiana, from 31 August to 4 September 2009. This is the 9th year for this conference, which focuses on all aspects of cluster computing research being done in academia, industry, and government.
The conference covers
- Cluster Architecture and Hardware Systems
- Cluster Software and Middleware
- Cluster Networking
- Implications of Multicore and Clouds on Clusters
- Applications
- Performance Analysis and Evaluation
- Cluster Management
and includes keynote and plenary presentations, papers, tutorials, workshops, and posters. I’ve seen the list of accepted papers (not yet up on the website) and it’s an impressive range of topics and presenters.